Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Meet Parker

This picture is of my college roommate's family. Stephanie and I drove to Spartanburg tonight to hang out with Ann and Philip and to meet Parker. It was so cool to watch them be parents and to hold that precious baby!

Monday, September 04, 2006

"Paw Paw make a mess"

I woke up early on my day off to see "the room" being destroyed or what I like to call "downstairs" :). I actually did tear up during this part of the demolition. Only the porch remains and it will come down in pieces in the near future. I was recalling why I wanted so badly to be there for that moment (seeing it torn down) realizing that I have a need to be there to mark the end. I remembered standing in hosptial rooms as those I loved dearly slipped away for the same reason- to know in my head/heart that final moment. Steel Magnolias and Dad are just two of the movies that capture this emotion so well. This is probablly why they are two of my favorites! If you haven't seen them, Shame on You-Check them out! The room came down this morning and for the rest of the day you could see smoke rise above the trees on top of that little mountain as it burned. We enjoyed the holiday with family friends on the river. The pictures were from tonight. We stopped by on our way home to back up some things that were left on the porch. The girls' catch phrase now when they come out there to see what has happened is "Paw Paw make a mess."