Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Greatest Player in Baseball....

Albert Pujols! I spent the weekend with my Atlanta friends Chris and Rachel Von Ins. It really was a perfect weekend. The weather, food, company was great and I got to see Albert Pujols and the cards lose to the Braves 14-6. Even with Card's loss it was still a perfect major league experience. Here are a few pictures from Saturdays' game. For the record...tonights game (Sunday) rocked. The Cardinals beat the Braves in extra innings and Pujols hit a homerun.

The view from our seats.

This was Pujols greeting me when I entered the park.
Pujols smiling at me!

Chris, Rachel and me at the game.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

River Update

Hardwood floors have been laid and the windows are done. It really is coming together this last month.

27 Can you believe it?

So another birthday has come and gone. We headed up the river to my favorite birthday spot by boat..... TBONES on Lake Wylie. It really was a special night. Some aunts, uncles and cousins joined us. We missed you Uncle Wade, Matt, and Beth! A lot of you know what an important birthday tradition this is for me. A lot of you have even sat at that table you see pictured above.

I can't believe I am actually 27.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

We have a DATE!!

I bet your all wondering if I've gotten engaged! Just kidding. The date is August 18th and it is the date my parents should be moving into their new house. Who knows if this will actually take place but that is the date they were given. I bought a mailbox today. Seems kind of funny that a mailbox would be my first purchase for my house.

I helped my mom pack dishes tonight. Oh my gosh, you should see the boxes and its is only a few kitchen cabinets. This next month should be pretty wild around here.